Tuesday, May 22, 2007

20070522 No follow through, so position stopped out for 6 tick loss.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

20070522 0745 GMT. Dax futures fires off a short squeeze, so indications to short ESTX50 futures at 4451.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

Thursday, May 17, 2007

20070517 0848 GMT. As the red dots appeared on DAX, we exit the position.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

20070517 0749 GmT. ESTX 50 moves down, take 1/4 position off 4394 for shorts.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

20070517 0739 GMT. Short squeeze signal on the DAX. Short can be taken 4397 on ESTX50.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

20070515 1022 GMT. Short squeeze signal on Dax futures. Using this signal we can enter the trade on the more liquid ESTX50.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

Monday, May 14, 2007

20070514 1208 GMT. A short squeeze on the ESTX50.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

Thursday, May 10, 2007

20070510 A check on the dailies show sign of correction starting on the ESTX50. The 4400/4300 short credit spread on ESTX50 futures for 30 now looks like bearing fruit.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

20070509 1128 GMT. A nice short squeeze on the 89 tick.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart

20070509 1128 GMT. A nice short squeeze on the 89 tick.

Dax futures chart
DJ Eurostoxx 50 futures chart
Bund futures chart